Saturday, January 10, 2009

The British Museum Library Records Imam Hussain's Journey of Martyrdom

The Journey to Karbala, the City of Martyrs:

The journey which began from Makka on the 8th of Zilhijja 60 Hijri ended in Karbala on 2nd of Muharram 61 Hijiri and took about 22 days in all. Imam stopped at 14 places on his way to Karbala. He met various people and delivered various sermons. What the Imam talked about to these people he met and said in his sermons at various places reflects the true motives he had in his mind. The names of these places Imam passed were mentioned in history books but their exact locations were not traceable in modern geographical maps. After searching in the archives of the
British Museum Library a map of 9th Century Hijri was found in which all these names were clearly shown.

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